The Emergence of New Modern Architecture: What are The Important Features That You Should Know

30 June 2022

The emergence of new modern architecture can be traced back to the turn of the 20th century and become a dominant design theme until the mid of the said century. Modern architecture refers to a style built from the early 1900s to the 1950s and defined by architects, brokers, and interior designers as a design facet that does not change. You may have heard of the various interpretations of modern architecture from several interior designers around the globe in response to the evolving technological trend. Here are the important features that you should know about new modern architecture to settle this.

A Mixed of Modern and Traditional Building Materials

In its design element, new modern architecture is more inclined to a minimalist approach and emphasises function. They are more associated with whitewashed exteriors and natural materials like timber highlighting a nature-like vibe and retro feel. The most used materials for new modern architecture are steel, concrete, timber, and brick, a combination of modern and traditional materials.

Rectangular Forms

One important feature that you should also know about new modern architecture is they are very much recognisable for their rectangular forms. Rectangular forms are commonly used in modernist architecture because they are easier, quicker, and economical to build out of concrete, brick, timber, and stone materials. Using rectangular shapes and forms also means less waste.

Large Glass Windows

Another important feature of new modern architecture is its expansive glass windows. Large glass windows are an essential part of new modern architecture to create effects of lights, volume, and space. They are prominently featured in homes with a modernist architecture theme to allow natural light and optimise daylighting.

Open Floor Plans

New modern architecture is commonly into an inviting and welcoming vibe, and open floor plans. They are a signature feature of the new modern architecture style to significantly allow flexibility and the ability to maximise the space. Open and well-defined floor plans have become popular with the emergence of new modern architecture in the 20th century and since then, it became a trend when designing living spaces as well as commercial spaces.

Lack of Adornment

New modern architecture focuses more on function than ornamentation. It had deviated from the more abundant decorative detail of the Victorian and Queen Anne styles. The modernist architecture features minimalism with clean and minimal lines which lack ornamentation but with a consistent and smooth texture.

EarthierHues and Tones

Modern architecture on the other hand typically uses earthier hues and tones to stick to the simple modern design featuring the shades of rust, brown, and other neutral colours and often punched up with bold and bright colours as accent.

Emphasis on Nature

New modern architecture design incorporates natural materials like timber and other earthier elements to create a warm living space vibe and vintage look. Mixing timber and concrete has been a critical component of modern architecture and design. It fosters a relationship with the environment, creating a balance between the building and the surrounding natural landscape.

If you need to talk to a professional, call us at A. Romanin & Sons Pty Ltd for all your inquiries about domestic construction solutions. We are a building contractor in Melbourne and are equipped with a skilled team of experts and professionals who are experienced in many facets of contemporary and modern architectural building methods, including heritage structures.

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